
ECO Solutions - Viduca

We constantly implement sustainable improvement solutions to reduce our environmental impact and promote our social responsibility. From the conception of designing a piece to be lightweight and efficient, to the incorporation of new recycled or biodegradable materials, and to the enhancement of processes through the integration of more efficient technologies.

Our packaging


We rely on ecodesign when developing new products and improving existing ones. Ecodesign, or sustainable design, involves integrating environmental considerations into the product design process. This includes selecting new materials, designing products to help reduce weight per piece, and optimizing manufacturing processes to reduce environmental impact throughout the product lifecycle.

We use all available resources for continuous improvement of processes and products that we launch into the market.

Sustainable Materials

We incorporate recyclable materials into all our packaging. Furthermore, we are concerned with following current sustainability trends and have included recycled materials while constantly innovating in studies for possible incorporation of biodegradable or compostable materials.

The only premise is that, in addition to improving the sustainability of plastic materials, we can mainly say that all our packaging is food-safe.

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